Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Hampshire and it's "control" Bills

N.H. is now out of sight crazy in my opinion. I wrote the following letter and
submitted it to the Keene Sentinel and the Manchester Union Leader but now
because the "sponsor" has decided to ask for her own bill to be killed, I must change it ...I will do that and then send it along
here is my letter (it explains everything that is going on)

I am extremely sick of the Animal Rights Activists in Concord.

Strong language? You bet! When are the local grass roots folks, hunters, dog owners, horse owners, sportsmen, dog breeders, farmers, cat breeders, cat owners, chicken owners going to understand that we have to unite and say a big fat NO to the animal rights extremists?

People In Concord (you elected them!) are now putting in Bills that say we need to LICENSE HORSES! HUH? What on earth? Our economy is in dire straights and they are worried about horses? When was the last time you saw a stray horse wandering around town?

Another new bill states that if you wish to sell one dog or puppy, you need a 60 day temporary license HB 337-FN-Local. Ridiculous! Don't they want you to be able to get a puppy from a reputable local breeder? Or would they rather have you go to a pet store to get a puppy? Maybe we should do what PETA suggests and let them return to nature and "Be Free."

Last year a store owner told me “My Government would never do that to me” when I told him about the dangerous National Animal Identification USDA monster which would just about put your local farmer out of business.

What can you do about it? Please Get Angry enough to call your Representatives! Tell them you are sick and tired of these STUPID bills. Many years ago I was told it took $1500 to put a bill up. What do you think it costs now? I can’t even imagine!

So this NATIVE citizen of N.H., who wishes she wasn’t anymore, pleads with all who care about freedom, to call, write, and e-mail friends, committee members, and those who sponsor such bills to let them know you’ve had it!

Carlene Wheeler
PO Box 108
Sullivan, N.H. 03445

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